Crazy over London

Lalala~ I am back with my delusional yet optimistic target for this year: Visiting L O N D O N. I love British accent. Eargasm. I love Briton. Do I? Well, I am not sure. But I love hearing them speak closely to my ears whole day and every day. Eargasm.

Let my imagination go anywhere it may. I enjoy it, for sure.

I close my eyes, I imagine what London is: environment, people, scenary, water, food, festival, happiness, excitement, anything! I wander in the city with friends or alone. It doesn’t matter! Meet very kind strangers. We talk, we discuss about life, about their life, about British. I listen to them thoroughly.

In my hotel, I wake up early. Having my Fajr praying is a must. Enjoy the sunrise with Halal English breakfast. I enjoy every bite of my food. Amazing.

Without specific itinerary, I visit famous tourism spots and unpopular ones. I like combining both. Feeling more personal to the city.

I just wander here and there. Try many food as possible as I can. I dont calculate my budget. Sit on cafe, drink a cup of coffee. Yes, vanilla latte. Or visit a famous cafe. Don’t forget a cheese cake. Perfect.

Night life of London is one of the lists. Enjoy jazz music. If it is possible, I go to particular jazz concert until 10PM. Back to hotel and take a rest. I plan my tomorrow trip to visit Cambridge. UK in general is knowledge source. I want to see the library, park, university where knowledge is generated. One whole day for edu-trip.

In the next day, I want to join meet up with start up company runners. Sharing idea. Listen to their experience. Take some notes. Learn as many as I can. For lunch or dinner, I will have it together with one of respective professors I know. Wonderful.

Well, don’t forget Kebab and chocolate as well while in London. I heard Kebab in London is very delicious. Chocolate? I don’t know. I just want to eat it. 😀

Is it enough for 3-day trip? Hmm, I also plan to visit Edensor. Should I add more day? If I could, I will be in UK for a week. So, basically I need to add more stories. 😆

source: picture

Tidur, tidur lah

Tidur, tidur lah.. Lupakan hiruk pikuk hari ini.
Tidur, tidur lah.. Lupakan permasalah yang mendera.
Tidur, tidur lah.. Ucapkan syukur atas nikmat yang ada.
Tidur, tidur lah.. Mohon ampun pada Sang Penguasa.
Tidur, tidur lah..

Mungkin beban hidup terasa berat, tapi insyaAllaah esok hari masih ada. Jika tak ada, maka semoga bertemu di surgaNya. Bukankah itu lebih nikmat?

Waktu memang berharga, sesuatu yang mahal tanpa tandingannya. Jika semua yang ada di dunia dikumpulkan jadi satu, ingin ditukar dengan waktu yang telah berlalu, nilainya tidak akan bisa mengembalikan waktu tersebut. Maka lupakan lah masalah yang ada. Jangan sia-siakan waktu terbuang sia-sia. Tidak perlu disesali. Pikirkan hari esok yang lebih berharga.

Maka tidur, tidur lah..